Search Engine Spider-robots index the Internet. Spider's will crawl websites when asked indexing each page and following the links on those pages in order to find more Relevant information about the subject. Robot spider's view a page differently than human visitors or even other spider's. Test your site on google bot ,yahoo slurp, MSN bot

Multi-search Engine Spider Simulator's no down load required
See what the search engine spider sees.

Meta Tag Analyzer
Check your meta tags!


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Online Meta Tag Analyzer provide by SEOCentro.
Prevent search engines from following the links on a page use Robots Meta Tag. If you need a page blocked from search engines, then you should modify your robots.txt file.
 Get Your SEARCH ENGINE Blaster membership Here

Tags=>Free Search Engine Spider Simulator no Download required,Spider viewer see what the search engine spider see's, Free,Multi-Search Engine Spider Simulator's no Download required